Cпівзасновниця та СEO у Navushko
Привіт, я Наталія.
Майндфулнес менторка, педагогиня та практична психологиня.
Майндфулнес – це не тільки медитація. Насамперед, це присутність. Тут і тепер. Складно бути присутніми, коли в дитини період емоційної турбулентності, коли ви не можете порозумітись, коли ви cамі стомлені, не виспані чи роздратовані. Складно, але не важко.
Не важко, якщо почати з маленьких кроків, які перетворять чергову кризу на можливість для зростання.
Я допоможу вам зробити перший маленький (чи великий) крок в емоційний світ дитини. Допоможу навчитись бути присутніми для неї за будь-яких умов. Допоможу трансформувати процес виховання в стосунки, які з роками ставатимуть тільки міцнішими та надійнішими.
Як допомогти дитині фокусуватись? Як покращити увагу? Як приборкати власні емоції? Як допомогти дитині освоїти навички емоційної саморегуляції? Як допомогти дитині стишувати тривогу та відновлюватись після стресу? На всі ці питання я знаю відповіді і гугл теж знає. Але кожна дитина – унікальна. Я допоможу вам знайти найкращі рішення саме для вашої дитини, саме для вашої ситуації.
Mindfulness, Mindful parenting, SEE learning, Meditation, Stress management, Mindfulness Facilitation, Program Development
CEO and co-founder
Jun 2021 - Present (1 рік 1 місяць)
We create mindfulness exercises and meditations for children.
Casting Manager
Oct 2017 - Apr 2020 (2 роки 7 місяців)
- engaged in sourcing activities to find suitable candidates (social networks, professional sites, street casting);
- reviewed resumes and contact actors that match the needs;
- conducted auditions;
- organized and coordinated auditions;
- conducted interviews with candidates for assistance and tested their suitability for the project;
- collaborated with directors and producers to determine a role’s requirements ;
- managed expenditures and kept casting budget in check;
- negotiated actor’s fees;
- supervised and coordinated casting department crew;
- acted as a liaison between the director and the actors during callback;
- created and provided a list of possible actors to the producers and director (keynote presentations, video shots);
- managed talent database;
- controlled actors timing and schedule on set;
- became actors best friend and provided them satisfaction and comfort during shootings.
Teacher Assistant
Jun 2013 - Oct 2017 (4 роки 5 місяців)
- worked with the lead teacher and helped with the monitoring and maintenance of the class schedule;
- helped the lead teachers to create lesson plans;
- assisted teachers with lesson preparation by getting materials ready and setting up equipment;
- worked with smaller groups of kids for remedial teaching or reinforcing the learning process;
- escorted kids during non-classroom times including in-between classes, during lunch, and excursions;
- collaborated with lead teachers to recognize issues students are facing and recommended solutions;
- assisted teachers with various tasks, like grading assignments and informing parents of their children’s progress;
- helped students adjust, learn and socialize and reported to teachers about possible behavioral issues;
- provided simultaneous and consecutive translation from french to Ukrainian and vice versa during training classes, parent meetings;
- facilitated and mediated communication process between parents and school.
Fédération Echanges France Ukraine
Humanitarian Coordinator
Feb 2010 - Sep 2013 ·(3 роки 8 місяців)
- organized, planned and coordinated humanitarian mission trips to different boarding schools and orphanages in Ukraine;
- assisted CEO as a personal assistant during humanitarian mission trips;
- provided simultaneous and consecutive translation from french to Ukrainian and vice versa;
- moderated meetings;
- facilitated and mediated communication process in accordance with ethnic, national and social characteristics;
- mentored and supported youth in their personal development and life orientation researches;
- counseled and supported families and individuals in difficult life situations;
- promoted and maintained the good reputation of the federation in Ukrainian administrative institutions;
- established and developed relationships with new families and individuals in need.
City center of kid’s creativity and development
Teacher of computer science. Facilitator
Sep 2009 - Feb 2011 (1 рік 6 місяців)
- organized and leaded computer science workshops;
- adapted learning programs and developed individual learning schedules for kids in accordance; with their needs and possibilities;
- mentored and elevated students from pedagogical college during their CS studies;
- organized events, conferences and thematic parties for kids and their parents.
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Master's degree, Applied psychologist
(2013 - 2014)
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Bachelor's degree, Primary education
(2011 - 2013)
Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Pedagogical College
Associate's degree, Primary education (PGDE)
(2005 - 2009)
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