Non-Executive Director у WebbyLab, Senior Software Engineer у Google
Як співзасновник WebbyLab, я збільшив компанію до 140 співробітників і успішно реалізував понад 80 проєктів (включаючи проєкти для 5 компаній зі списку Fortune 500).
Понад 15 років досвіду у сфері інформаційних технологій. Починав як спеціаліст з інформаційної безпеки, а згодом перейшов на програмне забезпечення.
У мене є повне розуміння архітектури програмного забезпечення, мережевих протоколів і великий досвід у запуску хмарних додатків у NodeJs.
Провів понад 40 доповідей на технічних конференціях.
Сильний бекграунд розробки back-end та fronted.
Досвід роботи з проєктами з відкритим кодом і великими кодовими базами.
JavaScript applications architecture
Senior Software Engineer
Jun 2021 — Present (1 yr)
Projector Institute
Curator, Lecturer, Educational program creator
травень 2021 — Present (9 місяців)
Crafted the IT-Recruitment Course
Non Executive Director
(Jun 2021 — Present · 1 yr)
CEO and Principal Software Architect
Apr 2018 — Jun 2021 (3 yrs 3 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Have grown the company 50 to 140 staff
- Signed contracts with 3 more companies from the Fortune 500 list.
- Have scaled delivery and software development processes to meet the requirements of enterprise customers.
- Have developed knowledge/skills baseline for all developers at WebbyLab. Now part of the onboarding process.
- Have developed new areas of expertise in WebbyLab: IoT Smart Home automation, blockchain infrastructure.
- Participating in software architecture development for most critical projects.
- Communicating with customers to clarify what they want and to offer the best technical solutions. Composing technical and financial offers for clients.
(Sep 2011 — Apr 2018 · 6 yrs 8 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Have grown the company from 2 to 50 staff since 2011 as the company co-founder.
- Managing multiple projects and development teams (up to 10 people per each team). Have successfully accomplished more than 50 projects (ReactJs, React Native, NodeJs, NLP, Hadoop, Perl etc) .
- Have developed system architecture for 15 long-term (15-35 months) and more than 30 short-term (2-10 months) projects.
- Communicating with customers to clarify what they want and to offer best technical solutions. Composing technical and financial offers for clients.
- Writing code for most critical projects subsystems.
- Optimizing development processes.
- Optimizing technical staff hiring processes.
- Have mentored more than 40 junior and mid-level developers. Conduct regular trainings for web-developers.
ITSQUIZ - online testing platform
Feb 2016 — Present (6 yrs 4 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Communicating with customers to clarify what they want and to offer best technical
- Have created the architecture of a natural language processing engine for quizzes generation.
- Technical staff hiring.
- Manage technical team.
- Writing code for most critical projects subsystems.
Open Source Developer
(May 2010 — Jan 2018 · 7 yrs 9 mos)
Perl modules author ("koorchik" — http://search.cpan.org/~koorchik/ )
My modules on CPAN:
- Validator::LIVR - Lightweight validator supporting Language Independent Validation Rules (LIVR)
- Debug::LTrace - Perl extension to locally trace subroutine calls
- DLM::Client - Linux DLM(Distributed Lock Manager) Client
- Lingua::UK::Numbers - Converts numbers to money sum in words (in Ukrainian hryvnas)
- LIVR::Contract - Design by Contract in Perl with Language Independent Validation Rules (LIVR).
- Rose::DBx::Role::NestTransaction - Nested transactions support for Rose::DB
- Mojolicious::Plugin::BindSessionToIP - Binds your Mojolicious session to IP-address
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ChromeLogger - Pushes Mojolicious logs to Google Chrome console
- Mojolicious::Plugin::CSRFProtect - Fully protects you from CSRF attacks
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLLint - HTML::Lint support for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::JSUrlFor - Mojolicious "urlfor" helper for javascript
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RemoteAddr - an easy way of getting remote ip address
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile - "renderfile" helper for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ValidateTiny - Lightweight validator for Mojolicious
JavaScript trainer
Oct 2015 — Feb 2016 (5 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
Teach "Advanced frontend" course
1. Product Managers; C-Level positions;
2. Front-end (React, Angular, HTML/CSS);
3. Back-end (Node, AQA; DevOps;)
4. Design (Product Design, UX Architect, UI Design);
5. Marketing (CMO, PPC, Copywriting; SEO, Linkbuilding)
6. Sales, BDM, Customer Success, Customer Support.
Software Engineer
Feb 2011 — Sep 2011 (8 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Porta Billing engine development and optimization
- Monitoring tools support and optimization
- Have sped up Porta-Monitor view (shows monitoring data from thousand of servers) in 20 times
- Porta Switch disaster recovery (problem analysis and solution plan)
Lead Software Engineer
Jun 2009 — Jan 2011 (1 yr 8 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Led system-level team of 3 people.
- Server infrastructure: design, optimization, support.
- Have improved webmail and system-level interoperability.
- Have rewritten system components and webmail to use a single distributed storage layer.
- Have covered the whole distributed storage layer with integration tests.
A team-leader of a webmail-level team
(Mar 2008 — Jun 2009 · 1 yr 4 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Led the webmail-level team of 5 people.
- Have developed webmail code architecture.
- Have developed distributed storage abstraction layer.
- Have provided new more effective release management and deployment scheme which
made product releases more stable and predictable.
- Trained above 10 interns.
- Have significantly improved web-framework: implemented requests dispatcher, session
management, FCGI workers management.
- Have written application deployment utilities.
Software Engineer
Feb 2007 — Mar 2008 (1 yr 2 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Creating fully AJAX Webmail with Javascript on client side and Perl on server side.
- Writing different Jquery plugins
- Have written most critical javascript component — grid with virtual scrolling (no pages), fully AJAX, configurable and can easily manage more than 1 million rows. The grid is used for every list data including (mail messages list, contacts lists, invites list, filter list etc)
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Network Administrator
Sep 2003 — Jun 2007 (3 yrs 10 mos)
A head of network administrators in the dormitory of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (volunteer), afterwards in charge of whole campus network.
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Network administration (L2 switches, Linux based servers)
- Writing Perl script for L2 switches management through telnet interface
- Network laying
- Management of 4 subordinate administrators
- Have created from scratch network with over than 200 PCs
Nexia DK
System Administrator
Dec 2005 — Feb 2007 (1 yr 3 mos)
- Network administration
- Workstations administration
- Office equipment configuration
BMS Consulting
A trainee in “BMS Consulting” as an IT-security specialist
Oct 2003 — Apr 2004 (7 mos)
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments:
- Analyzing different security solutions (Public Key Infrastructure, Security Audit)
- Have achieved status of “Microsoft Certified Professional”
- Accomplished training “Windows 2000 Server Administration”
- Accomplished training “Windows 2000 Server: Active Directory Management”
- Accomplished training “Managing Windows 2000 Network Environment”
Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the NAS of Ukraine
PhD-Student, The Impact of IT markets on Consumption Structure
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Master, International Economics
Viktor Turski speaker portfolio
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