Recruitment Team Lead у Keiki
Recruitment Team Lead в українській продуктовій EdTech компанії Keiki
7+ років роботи в IT компаніях (хостингова, аутсорс, продуктова)
4+ роки роботи в рекрутингу
Налаштувала з нуля процес рекрутингу в поточній компанії
Відповідальна за створення та автоматизацію HR-процесів в поточній компанії
Допомагаю зрозуміти як працює IT-рекрутинг під час лекцій, вебінарів та курсів
- Рекрутинг
- Кар'єрні консультації
- Резюме
- Performance Management
- Negotiation
- Organizational Learning
Recruitment Team Lead
July 2021 - Present
Genesis Tech
Talent Acquisition Specialist
May 2020 - Present
Talent Delivery Specialist
Sep 2019 - May 2020
Talent Delivery Sourcer
July 2018 - Sep 2019
THG Hosting (The Hut Group)
Billing / Abuse Team Representative
March 2015 - July 2018
- Dealing with different types of abuse claims (DMCA, spam, DDoS, phishing, etc.) and resolving them accordingly;
- Assisting clients in abuse/billing related questions.
- Takins care of customer queries received via email and chat;
- Shutting down/ turning on clients' servers.
- Working within different CRM systems;
- Submitting reports to third parties;
- Verifying billing information accuracy and revise errors;
- Providing professional support, help customers set up their accounts and solve their problems;
- Processing orders and applications, identify and escalate priority issues;
- Collaborating with other departments to satisfy customer needs.
Tutor of English
2011 - Sep 2015
working at home with pupils aged 7-16
mentoring children and tracking their progress
Client Manager
Oct 2014 - March 2015
Freelance, self-employed
Nov 2013 - Sep 2014
creating titles and keywords for pictures on different topics using previously
prepared glossaries.
National University 'Ivan Franko' , Lviv
Master's degree, English Language and Literature · (2013 - 2014)
National University 'Ivan Franko' , Lviv
Bachelor's degree, English Language and Literature · (2009 - 2013)
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