Олексій Бабіч

Security Engineer at realtor.com

About me

I have more than 12 years development and architecture experience, focused in most cases on web development. But recently I’ve made a huge switch to APIs and infrastructure of cloud based containerized apps. So that, not only web frontends are my clients.

I’m familiar with JS and React (mostly, React Native) but not very involved into frontend development - more leading, technical lead and decision making role here. Recently as JS frameworks received a huge traction and explosive development while I decided to focus my development effort more towards backend world.

Main Expertise

  • Cloud Security
  • Security Management
  • Software Development


Security Professional
February 2019 - Present

Mobile Startup [codename]
Chief Technology Officer
June 2016 - January 2019

Comcast Silicon Valley Innovation Center
Software Architect
December 2012 - May 2016


Odessa National Mecnikov University (2001 - 2007)

Нинішня посада: Security Engineer
Компанія: realtor.com

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