Оксана Смілка

COO у Scalr, Сертифікований аналітик TTI SI, авторизований інструктор з гнучкого лідерства ICAgile, Coach PCC ICF

Про ментора

Свою місію я бачу у зміні мислення людей через самопізнання і сміливість бути собою, щоб жити повним і змістовним життям.


  • Гнучке лідерство
  • People management
  • Експерт з інструментів оцінки DISC, DF (мотиви), EQ, компетенції
  • Робота із самоусвідомленням та ідентичністю
  • Конструктивні комунікації


Як знайти сміливість змінити своє життя
People First Club

DISC. Як управляти людьми і командами на основі поведінки?
People First Club

Основи Поведінкової Моделі DISC, Стилі Поведінки | Модель DISC

Досвід роботи

Scalr - Infrastructure as Code Platform
Chief Operating Officer
Apr 2018 - Present · 4 yrs 4 mos
Direct and control the work and resources of the company and ensure the recruitment and retention of the required numbers and types of wellmotivated, trained, and developed staff to ensure that it achieves its mission and objectives.
Monitor the implementation of the annual budget, and optimize fixed costs.
Represent the company in negotiations with suppliers, government
departments, and other key contacts to secure for it the most effective contract
Develop and maintain quality management systems throughout the company.
Oversee the preparation of the annual report of the company and the action
plan for the next period.
Develop and direct the implementation of policies to ensure that the company
complies with all health and safety and other statutory regulations.

Chief of Employee Success
Jan 2017 - Apr 2018 · 1 yr 4 mos
Key duties:
Coaching and training managers to establish and maintain a positive culture
and engaging work environment
EVP development
Automation of HR processes
Formation of the corporate culture
Organization of the recruitment process. Setting policies for hiring. Working
with individual managers in the preparation of job descriptions. Recruiting job
applicants for positions and facilitating interviews and booking
Overseeing and facilitating new employee orientation, training, and onboarding
Staff assessment by TTI SI tools (DISC, DF, EQ, TriMetrix) for building
effective teams

Human Resources Director
Oct 2016 - Apr 2017 · 7 mos
- manage every aspect of employee development and relations
- manage recruiting and staffing
- organizational development
- employee counseling services
- HR documentation
- labor discipline
- participation in Job Fairs, conferences, and projects
- cooperation with Universities to recruit students for the company
- monitoring the labor market
- analysis of staff turnover
- conflict resolution
- creating and updating personnel reserve

TB Fruit
HR Manager
Jul 2012 - Oct 2016 · 4 yrs 4 mos
- Preparation of reports for the Owner
Personnel accounting (10% of the time):
- Maintain personnel records (adoption, transfer, dismissal, vacation, sick
leave, job descriptions and regulations, personal business, etc.);
- Preparation and submission of accounting personnel with relevant
- Maintain personnel records in 1C 8.2
- Implementation and maintenance management system, providing advice on
the preparation and duration of safekeeping of documents

The State Administration of Gorodok district
Head of department
Jan 2004 - Jul 2012 · 8 yrs 7 mos
- Human resources documentation
- Annual evaluation and accreditation
- Enforcing labor discipline
- Forming of the prospective employee pool
- Posting vacancies
- Cooperation with government authorities regarding personnel policies
- Training those responsible for maintenance personnel work, the
development of methodological and practical materials;
- Checking the accuracy of personnel records in subordinate institutions,
preparation of reports and recommendations by the audit;
- Filing reports with relevant authorities
- Organization of meetings, seminars, panels and working meetings for the


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Master's degree, Auditing and accounting
(2003 - 2008)

Нинішня посада: Chief Operating Officer
Компанія: Scalr

1 відкрити оголошення

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