Technical Sourcing Lead у EvoTalents
Всім привіт, я Люда! В IT рекрутингу 7 років, маю бекграунд економічного журналіста. Останні 4 роки ділюсь досвідом у межах EvoTalents.School та Ukrainian Sourcing Community. Люблю як копатись у репозиторіях Backend розробника, так і спілкуватись із Product Manager на дейтінг-проєкт. Один із моїх принципів у роботі — саме через персоналізовані тексти можна достукатись до будь-якого спеціаліста. Колего, у дзвінку зі мною налаштовуйся на продуктивну зустріч пліч-о-пліч #insourcingwetrust
IT-сорсинг від А до Я, всі теми сорсингу, аналітика (без цього ніяк). Допомога зі складанням резюме, аналізом LinkedIn-профілю.
Sourcing Lecturer
травень 2018 — до нині (4 роки 1 місяць)
I'm a Speaker at the very first online Ukrainian Sourcing School and offline meetups (Kyiv, Lviv, Zaporizhia). My topics: active sourcing channels, sourcing of designers, sourcing in non-popular channels, recruiting email strategy, hiring metrics.
From time to time I also conduct sourcing hackathons — each of us has his own
innocent hobby :)
Technical Sourcer
листопад 2021 — до нині (7 місяців)
EvoTalents is a team of IT recruiters and sourcers in love with their job! We've been helping IT companies find perfect talents and talents find their perfect companies for more than 4 years so far. To reach out to talents that can't be found on LinkedIn, we use a lot of sourcing magic. Sourcing is our thing! On demand, we research the IT market, analyze salary range, create profiles of IT specialists, and more. We also boost local HR and recruiting community, launched the very first
Ukrainian Sourcing School, and regularly hold recruiting events.
Sourcing Writer
листопад 2017 — до нині (4 роки 7 місяців)
I'm a Writer at a Ukrainian Sourcing Community (https://www.facebook.com/groups/uasourcing) and for the EvoTalents team's blog. I've been sharing my experience with IT recruiting and sourcing.
Recruitment Partner
травень 2020 — липень 2021 (1 рік 3 місяці)
As Manager I've been:
- working in partnership with the client to create job specifications, plan the recruitment process and execution of hires;
- helping the hiring recruiter with sourcing strategy;
- managing weekly capability reports and flag areas of concern to the client;
- driving a client-focused culture in the team.
As Recruiter I've been managing full-cycle of recruitment of difficult positions:
- IT specialists: System Analyst, Game Community & Social Media Manager, Game QA Manager, DevOps Engineer, Full Stack Engineer, Lead Frontend Developer, Java Architect.
- C-level executives: RnD manager, Development Manager.
Sourcing channels: Boolean Search, LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow, Meetup, AmazingHiring, social media, technical blogs, job boards, group memberships, community groups, referrals.
Recruitment Analyst
листопад 2017 — квітень 2020 (2 роки 6 місяців)
As Analyst I've been working with clients:
- prepared recruitment funnel and weekly reports on findings and dynamics of the hiring process;
- conducted job market research and job satisfaction surveys.
As Recruiter I've been managing full-cycle of recruitment process of:
- technical specialists: Clojure, Javascript, Java, .Net Devs, Data Engineer;
- other IT specialists: Marketing Manager, HR Manager, QA, Project Manager, Lead Artist.
Worked closely with tools: Cleverstaff, Turbohiring, Trello, Slack, MixMax.
- improved report process in the company;
- implemented a new method of sourcing for hot positions — pair recruitment.
doxy.me — telemedicine for all
Recruitment Partner (RPO EvoTalents)
вересень 2020 — лютий 2022 (1 рік 6 місяців)
Doxy.me is a product company founded 7 years ago by a team of technologists, academics, researchers, and innovators from the USA and Ukraine. We are an American company and work in English. We propose competitive pay with nice perks and a flexible and friendly approach to work.
Talent Sourcing Lead
липень 2021 — жовтень 2021 (4 місяці)
During this time of cooperation with the company I managed to:
- develop the competency matrix for the local sourcing team from scratch;
- develop and implement the common template for the sourcing strategy;
- pump the current sourcing team through training and knowledge sharing;
- develop and implement the candidate evaluation system.
IT HR Club Lviv
Guest Moderator
липень 2021 — липень 2021 (1 місяць)
IT HR Club Lviv with EvoTalents.School have organized a Sourcing Hackathon. In 30 minute challenge, all members were asked to solve 10 sourcing questions.
A-Players Recruiting
Guest Lecturer
жовтень 2018 — липень 2019 (9 місяців)
I'm a Guest Speaker at an offline A-Players Recruiting School 1.0 and 2.0. The webinar's theme: "Talent sourcing".
HR Generalist
березень 2017 — грудень 2017 (10 місяців)
Full-cycle of recruitment process of IT specialists in Kyiv and Dnipro offices: IOS, Back-end (PHP with Laravel), Front-end (JavaScript with Angular), Full Stack developers, Lead Generation Manager/ Sales, Business Analyst / Requirement Analyst.
Managed part-cycle of HR process in Kyiv office: onboarding, retention, employee's performance, exit interview.
Team size: 5 team members
Recruitment Manager, HR Business Partner
вересень 2016 — лютий 2017 (6 місяців)
Developed and implemented HR policies, procedures, processes, and a departmental budget.
HR branding.
Managed full-cycle of HR process: onboarding, retention, personnel rotation, employee's performance, exit interview.
Managed full-cycle of recruitment process of digital specialists: SEO, PPC, UX, Project/Account Manager, also Magento Devs.
Mentored Recruiter and Career Advisor. Team Size: 4 team members
(recruiter, career advisor, office managers)
Recruitment Specialist
липень 2016 — серпень 2016 (2 місяці)
Full-cycle of recruitment process of IT specialists: Middle Java Developer, Project Manager, PR Manager, Community Manager, Employee Engagement Manager.
Team size: 15 team members
IT Recruitment Specialist
липень 2015 — червень 2016 (1 рік)
Full-cycle of recruitment process of IT specialists: JS, C++, DevOps, QA, PM, Development Manager, Resource Manager, Scrum Master, Chief of HR for Ukrainian and foreign customers (Poland, Netherlands).
Team size: 8 team members
National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine
Master's degree, Financial market and institutions, 5.0
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