Please, email me before booking.
How I can help:
I build a complete cycle of Outbound B2B Lead Generation / Cold Sales from scratch or boosting existing processes by structuring, team roles distributing, automating, implementing the omnichannel approach, analytics, and finally building the interaction with the Marketing and Bizdev depts to create synergy between Inbound and Outbound.
Ecosystem highlights:
- The marketing component consists of two processes: Data mining and Outreach campaigns. Both are provided in bulk. It means semi-automated, big data-driven, and metrics-driven approaches using an ecosystem of 10+ digital marketing tools and distributed functions within a well-coordinated team to collect advanced information about prospects, build audience segments, and send personalized and human-oriented sales scripts via LinkedIn and email channels.
- The pre-sale component is hand-curated correspondence by pre-sale managers who provide leads qualifying, sales objection handling, and preliminary demand nurturing. These activities lead to appointment settings with your prospects to further deal closing.
My main expertise:
- B2B Sales
- Lead Generation
- Marketing
- Business Development
Most relevant to:
- The session will be helpful for marketers, sellers, and managers of the M or C level who want to launch or improve the company's sales.
Use cases
- A company struggles to build a comprehensive go-to-market strategy
- A company needs to build sales from scratch / reinforce the current sales process
- A company is ready to scale sales
- A company needs to build a sales team
Types of Involvement
Continuous advising (4-8 hours per month)
- Scheduled calls
- Chat with the Advisor on Telegram (or any other preferred method)
Project involvement (3-6 months)
(when the advisor personally runs a process, completes it, and then passes it to an internal team)Leadgen department outsourcing by subscription model for three basic plans
(when the whole leadgen team and its processes are outsourced by the advisor and his team):- Data collecting
- Appointment setting
- Deal closing
About me
BTL marketing: Founder and Managing Partner of Lime agency | 2005-2020
Digital marketing: Co-founder of VoltaOne agency | 2015-2020.
Information technology: Head of Lead generation and Outbound sales of | 2020 - present.
- Expertise: B2B Sales, Lead Generation, Marketing, Business Development, Product Development.
- Industries: Web3, Crypto, Fintech, Payment solutions, Gambling, iGaming, IT Outsourcing, FMCG.
- Markets: Ukraine, Europe, USA, Canada.
Igor Kudryk
2 years agoКонсультація була корисна на всі 100%! Я зараз вибудовую процес лідогенерації у себе в компанії і ми пройшлись по всій моїй воронці продажів, обговорили які є підходи і канали для лідогенерації для конкретно мого випадку. Після консультації я мав чіткий план як діяти далі і що покращувати. Всім рекомендую!
Dmitry Loza
2 years agoБольшое спасибо Гоше за консультацию, в итоге проговорили 2 часа вместо одного, узнал для себя много нового по теме лидгена и составили краткий план действий на будущее для построения лидген процесса в компании. Буду обращаться еще.
Валентина Дяченко
1 year agoВдячна ментору Гоші за корисну інформацію та професійний погляд на лідогенерацію. Приємний у спілкуванні, дуже розумно і зрозуміло подає інфо (з прикладами). Є у планах звернутись повторно для проговорення деталей. Рекомендую!
Dmytro Huz
1 year agoВдячний за глибоку та продуктивну консультацію. Досвід і поради Гоші допомогли краще зрозуміти проблеми та можливості створення потенційних клієнтів. Рекомендую!