How I can help:
We will review our project and discuss a plan of migrating to AWS. We will calculate and predict and compare different prices according to your workload. Also, discuss of how to redruce costs with AWS Lambda and other real tips.
Our experience
We started our Dots Platform in 2014 on Digital Ocean, then migrated to Linode in 2016. And in 2020 we migrated to AWS to EC2. In 2021-2022 migrated from EC2 to AWS Lambda.
Current Backend Stack of Dots Platform:
Laravel 9 / PHP8.1
AWS Lambda / ElastiCache / Aurora RDS / OpenSearch / SQS / SNS
We are using Laravel Vapor to deploy our projects to lambda
My main expertise:
AWS, Serverless, PHP, Laravel
Most relevant to:
Developers, DevOps, Architectors, Product Owner
About me:
CTO and co-founder of startup for the 5 last years.
Adept of Serverless approach for Laravel: fully migrated from EC2 to lambda. Have experience in building high available, scalable and cost-effective architecture on AWS.