Founder у Tech PR School
Займається піаром і маркетингом понад 15 років, 10 з яких у сфері IT.
Більше 9 років очолювала PR-відділ у всесвітньо відомій IT-компанії з України — MacPaw, де відповідала за комунікації на глобальному ринку. Серед професійних добутків має публікації на Tech Crunch, The Next Web, Business Insider, Mashable та багато інших.
У 2017 році PR-кампанію, розроблену Юлією, професійна спільнота PR Daily відзначила нагородою Content Marketing Award, а в 2023 році отримала нагороду Future is Female та була визнана одною з 25 PR Innovators за версією PRovoke media.
Юлія — авторка та викладачка курсів Global PR, Tech PR, стартап-менторка, спікерка міжнародних конференцій, співорганізаторка волонтерської ініціативи PR Army. Має власний Telegram-канал PR_pub
- Tech PR, PR strategy
- Building and growing PR teams
- Media relations
- PR tools
- PR measurement
- Reputation management
Ukrainian PR Army
Co-Founder, Board Member
Feb 2022 р. – Present
Within the first hours of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, PR Army was founded. The initiative appeared as a response to the Russian violation of international agreements and its brutal invasion of Ukraine. PR and Comms experts got together to build strong Ukrainian presence on the global arena and make Ukrainian voices vocal all over the world.
Tech PR School
March 2020 – Present
MacPaw Inc.
Head of PR
2014 - 2023
Creating alignment among product teams around the company/products
narrative and how to tell it externally. I ensure that the products' go-to-market
strategy is communicated clearly and reaches its target audience through
digital channels, manage content creation (work with designers, writers).
Train and prepare CEO for interviews, public speaking and related media
events, ensuring Q&A, talking points, key messages, background information
is accurate and consistent.
As a PR Team lead I develop and coordinate Communications Team by
providing coaching for Team members.
In this role I develop written PR materials — story pitches, press releases,
Q&As, briefs, presentations, speeches etc. I generate creative ideas and find
proper story angles that will deliver on campaign goals. I oversee product
launches (CleanMyMac, Setapp, Gemini Photos, the Unarchiver), corporate
news, creative campaigns and all media initiatives managing implementation
and deadlines for multiple projects.
Product PR Online Course
March 2020 — Present (2 years 3 months)
Teaching digital PR, differentiating between spin and PR, getting tech startups
in the know
Projector School
September 2017 — Present (4 years 9 months)
I teach Global PR, mentor local companies, help Ukraininan startups get media
coverage in foreign tech media, drive local community of PR specialists
PR & Media Manager
December 2016 - Present (5 years 6 months)
Launched a new product — Setapp to the market, secured media coverage in 50+top-tier tech media.
PR & Communications Manager
June 2013 — June 2014 (1 year 1 month)
Starcom Ukraine
Digital Media Manager
October 2011 — May 2013 (1 year 8 months)
Media planning, budgeting, launching digital campaigns, post-campaign analysis
Marketing and PR Manager
September 2010 — November 2011 (1 year 3 months)
Planning and implementing marketing efforts for MediaContext
PR Manager
April 2010 — September 2010 (6 months)
Stratford Globus
Communications Manager
2008 — 2010 (2 years)
Advanced International Translations
Marketing Writer
2007 — 2008 (1 year)
London School of Public Relations
(January 2022 — January 2022)
Chartered Institute of Public Relations
(2019 — 2020)
Master Preparation Centre, Kyiv National University of Economics
Master, marketing
(2005 — 2008)
Zaporizhzhya State University
English Philology, English, German, Linguistics, Literature
(1998 — 2003)
Як ІТ-бізнесу робити міжнародний PR?
Международный PR для IT
Як оцінити кандидата ще до інтерв'ю: поради куратора IT Recruitment
Mar 5, 2021 — Projector Mag
Глобальний PR
Ukrainian Hub
Як слово стало зброєю. Досвід створення PR Army
Parimatch Tech
Как построить собственную систему медиаскоринга? Опыт MacPaw
11 ворогів пресрелізу. Що заважає вашій новині потрапити до медіа
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