Co-founder & CTO у Preply
З 2012 року я як співзасновник Preply змінюю світову освіту, роблячи персоналізоване навчання доступним для кожного. Preply — це найбільший ринок онлайн-вивчення мови. Я обіймаю посаду CTO, що дозволяє повністю реалізувати свій підприємницький і технічний потенціал.
Мій бренд-проєкт Kyiv CTO Meetup об’єднав понад 100 CTO/VPs of Engineering українських технологічних компаній у сильну екосистему технічних лідерів.
Масштабування технологічних та інженерних команд (scaling engineering teams), інтеграція наукових рішень у бізнес електронної комерції, startups.
Dec 2011 — Present (10 yrs 6 mos)
Preply is a US-based company with the main office in Kiev, Ukraine. In 2015 we were backed by Techstars Berlin — one of the world best startup accelerators. We are a startup trying to solve the problem of one-on-one learning with a tutor on a global level. We provide a marketplace for tutoring where there are both buyers and sellers, and our job is to match them and make both parties satisfied. We look at other famous marketplaces like Airbnb, eBay, Uber and try to do the same for educational market, leveraging our technical and marketing skills.
Our team is small enough that your contribution will have a significant impact. By joining our team, you can become a core team member with the opportunity to influence technical direction, product decisions, and have an impact on how we grow our team and the culture of our company. We are working towards continuous delivery, microservices and implementing more science to our product. We like to work with smart and interesting people who are quick learners and continually try to learn and implement something new.
Software Developer
Jan 2005 — Jan 2012 (7 yrs 1 mo)
Worked as a freelancer solely and in teams developing commercial applications. Gained team work, cross-cultural communication, inter-personal skills. The finished projects were in fields of e-commerce, data analysis and multimedia. Familiar with patterns, data structures and algorithms.
Experienced in : C++, JAVA. Other languages worked with: SQL, PHP, VBA, Javascript.
Anheuzer-Busch InBev
Digital media specialist
Feb 2010 — Aug 2011 (1 yr 7 mos)
Started to work in marketing department as intern realizing digital, BTL and internal projects in company’s focus brand “Chernigivske” team. From the November 2010 worked as digital media scpecialist being responsible for digital projects related to department within the company and all brand’s digital activities. Effective realization of projects required working in close collaboration with third parties (regular and involved through the tender) and internal departments(legal, procurement, finance, sales).
Institute of Software System (part of former Institute of cybernetics) Kyiv, Ukraine
Phd, machine learning, AI
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
M.S. with honours, Applied Mathematics
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5 книжок, які я хотів би прочитати раніше, ніж мені це вдалося, від Дмитра Волошина, CTO в Preply
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