Chief Strategy & Operations Officer у L.K. SENSE IT DEVELOPMENT LTD
- Допомагаю вирішувати маркетинг задачі та задачі по масштабуванню бізнесу, а також маю досвід у формуванні та просуванні особистого бренду.
- Експерт з маркетингу та комунікацій, досвід понад 15 років, працювала у різних індустріях (FMCG, Pharma, Fashion, Info-Products, IT products and services, IGaming) - широкий бізнес кругозір.
- Наразі працюю операційним директором та відповідаю за основні процеси компанії: маркетинг, фінанси, робота з клієнтами. Також відповідаю за корпоративні політики компанії та орг структуру.
- Основний пласт досвіду отримала в маркетингу. Це бренд менеджмент в відомих FMCG компаніях, продукт менеджмент у Фарм компанії, маркетинг менеджмент онлайн продуктів та SaaS, запуск стартапів.
- Досвід в комунікаціях здобула, працюючи з IT послугами та продуктами. Формувала стратегії, комунікаційні платформи та план активації бренду/продукту/компанії. Була частиною команди, що готувала стартапи до залучення інвестицій, є досвід створення пітчдеків.
-Комунікаційна стратегія
-Формування персонального бренду та стратегії його просування
-Формування команди маркетингу та комунікацій
2023: маркетингові тренди після перемоги
Lean-підхід як метод виживання бізнесу в українських реаліях
Customer Development та Customer feedback: важливий інструмент для успішного запуску стартапів та масштабування бізнесу
H2H-маркетинг: особливості та переваги з урахуванням непростих сучасних реалій
Місія та візія бізнесу: як прописати та навіщо це потрібно
Blitz interview with Daria Kushnir, marketing trends 2021 and vision for 2022, Ukraine.
Assets, Diversity, Content, and Everything That Goes with It.
Professional burnout. The mix of pain and guilt. Let’s get a bit personal.
7 Marketing trends of 2021 which you should take into account when creating a strategy
Design Thinking approach
Discover Marketing Research part 3: Brand and Product
Discover Marketing Research part 2: Competiton
Discover Marketing Research part 1: Market
Досвід роботи
Chief Strategy & Operations Officer
September 2020 - Present (1 year 11 months)
Strategic Business Adviser | Marketing | Brand Strategies | Digital expertise
December 2018 - Present (3 years 8 months)
Kiev Region, Ukraine
-Research trends and competitive intelligence on the market;-Develop growth strategies for new businesses and products;-Shape the value roadmaps and evaluate GTM plans;-Use design thinking, diagnostics and process benchmarking to discover value opportunities.
Chief Marketing Officer
June 2018 - December 2018 (7 months)
Responsibilities:-Developed and executed growth strategy;-Established and tracked milestones and KPIs in order to ensure compliance with the strategic direction and manage transformation efforts;-Researched trends and competitive intelligence;-Communicated insights and analytical findings to a board of stakeholders, including investors and founders.-Had been continuously working on product-market fit collaboratively with theProduct Owner.
Head Of Marketing
February 2017 - June 2018 (1 year 5 months)
-Developed B2B marketing strategy, set business goals, budget and target P&L;-Website development and launch: content, design, SEO;-Lead generation strategy creation & implementation;-CRM process setup-Conduct performance analysis: P&L, Cash Flow assessment, GoogleAnalytics.
project based involvement
Business Consultant
April 2016 - May 2018 (2 years 2 months)
Vigo Velix (Swiss sports studio), Fashion brand Korsun, COS stock on-line store, HealthLab (Cosmetics Startup consulting), Personal brands: Nutritionist KaterinaPashko, Career Consultant Olga Miroshnichenko, Transformational coach TatianaTkachenko, Beauty Room by VP, ect
Olga Evlanova Training Center
Digital Marketing Manager
April 2016 - May 2018 (2 years 2 months)
-Developed marketing strategy (incl. Digital), set business goals, budget and target P&L;- Manage outsource marketing team;
-Manage social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram: content strategy and plan, promotion, PR, campaigns analysis;-Maintained website launch;-Conduct performance analysis: P&L, Cash Flow assessment, GoogleAnalytics, Social Media KPIs, Google trends.
Nai Lu-na by Anastasia Ivanova
Brand Development Manager
December 2016 - April 2017 (5 months)
Kiev Region, Ukraine
-Strengthened business foundations, provided long-term growth perspective;-Expanded business presence in social media including SMM strategy development,setup of content generation pipeline (rus, eng), promotion plan, etc;-Created and maintained a public image in line with brand values and attributes;-Successfully managed entrance to the “ЦУМ” store, from idea to the first sales, including staff recruitment and training;-Reshaped distribution universe and strategy. Developed and implemented new trade terms, lead negotiation with key buyers;-Formed relationships with fashion and beauty key influencers across the social media platforms.
Senior Product Manager
March 2016 - July 2016 (5 months)
-Boosted core portfolio growth with the new product launches;
-Successfully executed digital marketing campaigns;
-Developed and implemented video content strategy.
-Brand strategy development and annual business planning;
-Orchestration of product launches including full IMC campaign, pricing strategy;-Creative development supervision;-Digital campaigns planning and implementation -Collaboration with influencers.
Brand Manager
July 2013 - March 2016 (2 years 9 months)
-Responsible for brand strategy development and annual business planning;-Led product launches;-Developed and executed brand communication strategy;-Developed and implemented pricing strategy;-Lead insight generation process, conducted market analysis;-Supported KOL strategy and continuous collaboration.
Colgate Palmolive
Brand marteking, oral care category
June 2011 - July 2013 (2 years 2 months)
Full executional responsibility for toothpaste category marketing activities including:- New product launches preparation and execution- Cross-functional teams leadership- Media campaigns preparation and execution (TV, Internet, Print, OOH)- Pricing strategy and price promotions - In-store strategy and activities, POSM development- Marketing research - Annual marketing strategy preparation- Budget planning
Marketing Coordinator
February 2008 - July 2010 (2 years 6 months)
January 2007 - February 2008 (1 year 2 months)
Освіта та сертифікати
-Економіка та фінанси
-Postgraduate diploma in marketing (CIM)
-Digital Marketing (IMB Academy)
-Product PR
-Leading for creativity (IDEO)
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