Transformational Financial Director for entrepreneurs
Про ментора
Більше 10 років досвіду в сфері фінансів та наданні фінансових консультацій для широкого спектру підприємців.
У ролі фінансового директора я допомагаю підприємцям керувати та розвивати свій бізнес.
Основний напрямок - побудова автоматизованих систем фінансової звітності, бюджетування, FP&A, аналітика, розробка стратегії та управління стратегічними проектами та інвестиціями.
Портфель бізнесу включає середню торгівлю та виробництво компаній в Україні, Німеччині, Ізраїлі. Результат - довгострокове зростання власного капіталу за рахунок вдосконалення прибутку, стратегічного розвитку та інвестицій.
Ключові експертизи
Фінансова звітність, бізнес планування, корпоративні фінанси.
Досвід роботи
Portfolio of private companies
Transformational Financial Director for entrepreneurs
Квітень 2020 - Present (2 роки 5 місяців)
Visiting Lecturer "Finance for entrepreneurs"
Квітень 2017 - Present (5 років 5 місяців)
▪ Teaching Finance for non-financial managers and owners of SME (Small
and Medium Enterprises - annual turnover up to $20 mln).
▪ Delivering content online to a large audience of professional people (up to
100 ppl).
▪ Developed content of the course myself, including structure, learning
program, slides, tests, practical cases and exercises, formula guides,
additional materials, etc.
▪ Since April 2017 completed 27 courses of 10 lessons each.
Group of companies
Chief Financial Officer
Березень 2019 - Квітень 2020 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Industries: FMCG, Distribution, Agro.
▪ financial and managerial accounting and reporting
▪ financial planning and analytics (FPnA)
▪ accounting/database software integration (1C)
▪ raising bank loans
▪ international business development (partnerships)
▪ managing foreign entities (Israel)
▪ strategy and market analysis
General Manager
Грудень 2018 - Березень 2019 (4 місяці)
▪ Concluded partnership agreements and signed contracts with majour
restaurant chains to secure competitive advantage on the market
▪ Provided coaching and support for sales executives to ensure timely
acquisition of new restaurants
▪ Recruiting, hiring, training, and developing team of sales and operations
managers and account executives
▪ Building operating processes for marketing, sales and operations
▪ Managing supply chain system and acquisition of couriers
▪ Working with product, engineering and regional teams to deliver product and
process needs in local market
▪ Initiating local marketing strategies and user growth campaigns
▪ Managing local regulatory environment and responsible for 3-rd parties
relationship building.
Country Manager
Березень 2015 - Листопад 2018 (3 роки 9 місяців)
▪ Direct the day to day operational management of the Ukrainian business,
applying as required a hands-on approach to producing solutions to strategic,
commercial, operational and personnel related issues which impact on
customer service and performance
▪ Responsible for managing financial result, including profit, revenue, cash and
quality targets
▪ Deliver performance management objectives, agreed business plans,
budget and targets and report on both plus and minus factors impacting on the
▪ Lead the project teams in achieving their goals and objectives and ultimately
ensure all project work is delivered on time, within budget and to the highest
standards of quality
▪Lead the constant drive and focus to improve operational efficiency via
process, people or practical measures
▪ Manage compliance with Company Values, Code of Business Conduct and
support policies
Senior Business Analyst
Вересень 2014 - Лютий 2015 (6 місяців)
▪ Performing detailed, fact based and result driven analysis
▪ Coordinating analytic teams and developing methodologies leading to
valuable insights
▪ Supervising projects and ensuring the delivery of high quality results
▪ Maintaining and developing professional relationships with clients and
EY Academy of Business
Visiting Lecturer
Серпень 2016 - Жовтень 2017 (1 рік 3 місяці)
My focus was MBA subjects (Strategy, Finance, Operations) and ACCA
papers F5 Performance management and P1 Corporate governance.
▪ Experience in delivering content to large audience of professional people (up
to 300 ppl)
▪ Teaching Finance, Performance management, Strategy and Operations to
mid-level managers
▪ Delivering seminars in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
▪ Developed curriculum, content and exercises for an online course on
finance, which is taught to more than 700 people
All activities were offline and on English language.
KPMG Ukraine
Audit Supervisor
Жовтень 2012 - Серпень 2014 (1 рік 11 місяців)
Dealed with metallurgy, oil and gas processing, retail and FMCG industries.
Main responsibilities:
• full scope audit of financial statements in accordance with NAS and IFRS
• preparation of consolidated financial statements under IFRS
• business valuation using DCF models for audit purposes
• supervision of audit teams up to 5 persons
Audit Assistant
Січень 2011 - Вересень 2012 (1 рік 9 місяців)
• audit of consolidated financial statements in accordance with NAS and IFRS
• internal controls evaluation
• analysis of business processes
• analytical tests and reviews
Nord University
Young Entrepreneur Program by NUCC., Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
(2016 - 2016)
Kyiv National Economics University
Master's Degree, Financial Management
(2013 - 2014)
Kyiv national university of trade and economics (KNUTE)
Bachelor's degree, Accounting and Finance
(2006 - 2010)
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